Government and politics of the UK

The nature and sources of the British Constitution

Key concepts and terminology:


Students should develop awareness of the significance of the following historical documents to the development of rights in the UK:

Students should analyse and evaluate:

Key concepts and terminology:


Students should analyse and evaluate:

Key concepts and terminology:

Focus Students should analyse and evaluate:

two examples that demonstrate the power of the Prime Minister and cabinet to dictate events and determine policy making. One example must be from 1945‒1997. The second example must be from 1997 to the present. Examples might include:

Key concepts and terminology:

Focus Students should analyse and evaluate:


Key concepts and terminology:


Students should analyse and evaluate:

Democracy and participation

Key concepts and terminology:


Students should develop awareness of development of the suffrage in the UK – debates and issues:

Students will be required to analyse and evaluate:

Key concepts and terminology:


Students will be required to analyse and evaluate the characteristics of different systems used in parliamentary elections and in elections to one of the devolved bodies in the UK including:

one election from before 1997

one election since 1997. 

The study of these elections, the wider political context in which they occurred and the techniques used by political parties in their campaigns will provide perspectives on the issues and outcomes of each election, particularly in relation to the following:

These elections should be selected because they exemplify particular characteristics of the British electoral system, electoral behaviour or electoral outcomes eg:

Key concepts and terminology:


Students should analyse and evaluate:

Pressure groups

Key concepts and terminology:


Students should analyse and evaluate:

Key concepts and terminology:


Students should analyse and evaluate: