Case study OBAMA

Barack Obama won the election in November 2008 with widespread optimism. He was seen as a historic figure and a change from the past. Not only was he the first black president, but he also offered a new direction in foreign policy following the conflicts under George W. Bush's administration. Obama's campaign slogan, 'change we can believe in,' resonated with many. In his first 100 days, despite a severe economic downturn, he made significant progress and received high approval ratings. With Democrats in control of both houses of Congress, Obama was able to pass key legislation including economic stimulus, support for industries, environmental reforms, and the Affordable Care Act.

 Biden's 100 Days 

Too Big to Fail: The Bank Bail out

Barack Obama speaks in Nashua, New Hampshire on the night of the primary.  2008

Obama's influence diminished after losing control of Congress. Republicans gained the majority in the House during the November 2010 midterms. Subsequently, Obama faced growing frustration with Congress and the complexities of a divided government.

 Despite this, his public appeal remained high, and he achieved significant victories, such as supervising the elimination of terrorist Osama bin Laden in 2011. Obama secured a second presidential term by defeating Republican opponent Mitt Romney in the 2012 election. Despite facing strong opposition from many conservatives, Obama struggled to push through key legislation during his presidency, particularly following the Sandy Hook school shooting. His efforts to enact gun control measures were thwarted by Congress, and subsequent losses in the Senate made it increasingly challenging for him to advance his political agenda through traditional means. 

As his time in office neared its end, Obama turned to executive orders and agreements to bypass legislative roadblocks, although these strategies were not always successful. Notably, his attempt to shield certain undocumented immigrants from deportation was met with legal challenges and his nomination to the Supreme Court in 2016 was blocked by the Senate, ultimately shaping the Court's ideological direction under his successor, Donald Trump.

 Obama's use of Executive Orders led to accusations of an imperial presidency: Is the Presidency Imperial or Imperilled?