Case study: Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks

Oil tycoons Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks have pushed the Texas statehouse to the far right by funding relentless primary campaigns against other Republicans. 

Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks, billionaires who have made their fortunes in the oil industry. Over the past decade, the pair have built the most powerful political machine in Texas — a network of think tanks, media organizations, political action committees and nonprofits that work in lock step to purge the Legislature of Republicans whose votes they can’t rely on 

Like the Koch brothers, the Mercer family and other conservative billionaires, Dunn and Wilks want to slash regulations and taxes. Their endgame, however, is more radical: not just to limit the government but also to steer it toward Christian rule. “It’s hard to think of other megafunders in the country as big on the theocratic end of the spectrum,” says Peter Montgomery, who oversees the Right Wing Watch project at People for the American Way, a progressive advocacy group.

Texas, which has few limits on campaign spending, is home to a formidable army of donors. Lately Dunn has outspent them all. Since 2000, he and his wife have given more than $29 million to candidates and PACs in Texas. Wilks and his wife, who have donated to many of the same PACs as Dunn, have given $16 million. Last year, Dunn and his associated entities provided two-thirds of the donations to the state Republican Party.

TikTok · James Talarico37.9K likes, 1654 comments. “Tim Dunn & Farris Wilks — two billionaires mega-donors — are pushing a private school voucher scam that will defund our public schools. Their ultimate goal is even more ambitious: transforming Texas into an authoritarian, Christian Nationalist state… Dunn & Wilks are oil and gas oligarchs. They’re also both Christian pastors. These two billionaire-pastors are spending their fortune enacting an extreme Christian Nationalist worldview in the second-largest state in the country. Dunn & Wilks have bought the top politicians in Texas with $100+ million (!) in contributions. But it’s not just politicians — they fund a sprawling network of PACs, think tanks, and media outlets. When they’re not buying politicians, Dunn & Wilks both preach at far-right churches. They push a theology of power, control, and domination — not universal love. Their toxic theology is becoming law in Texas. Now they’re taking on their most ambitious project: replacing public schools with private, Christian schools. Abbott just called a special session to pass Dunn & Wilks’ voucher scam. Republican Senator Bob Deuell said: “They want to destroy the public school system.” There’s been a lot of bad news out of Texas lately. Private school vouchers, no-exceptions abortion bans, CRT hysteria, weakened gun laws, Christian nationalism… It’s all connected to a couple billionaire mega-donors. Texas is too big and too great to be sold to the highest bidder. We cannot let two billionaires turn our beloved state into a Christofacist theocracy.”

Texas is one of just 10 states that allow individuals to make unlimited contributions to state political candidates, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures – letting Dunn and Wilks have more influence than they might elsewhere in the country.

While Dunn and Wilks focus on state politics, they’ve also gotten involved in national races. Wilks, his brother Dan and their wives were among the largest donors to super PACs supporting GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz in 2016, contributing a total of $15 million. And Dunn has given millions of dollars to super PACs supporting former President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans in recent years.